Men and Chiropractic Care
June is Men’s Health Month, making it the perfect time to remind all men of the importance of proactively caring for their health. Numerous studies have found that men are more reluctant than women to seek medical assistance. However, early detection and prevention are crucial for overcoming and managing many, many illnesses.
Chiropractic care can also be highly beneficial for men of all ages and health conditions. Let’s explore how we can assist you in maintaining your health this Men’s Health Month.
Better Sports Performance
If you enjoy sports or physical activities, scheduling regular chiropractic care and adjustments can ensure you reduce your risk of injuries while improving your overall athletic performance. For instance, by working on your joint mobility with a chiropractor, you will be able to expand your current joint range and improve overall flexibility, making sports even more enjoyable. On top of that, in the event of an injury, chiropractic support will enhance the rehabilitation process, as we work to find solutions that fast-track your recovery.
Improved Sleep
Getting enough sleep each night is essential for the body’s recovery system and your ability to navigate stress. Regular chiropractic adjustments have been linked to better rest, which, in turn, boosts the immune system and relaxes the nervous system.
Reduced Blood Pressure
Men over the age of 45 are more susceptible to high blood pressure than women. This often contributes to ailments such as heart attacks and strokes, which are significant causes of death for men. Studies show that chiropractic care is an effective method for treating and potentially preventing high blood pressure altogether, which can further safeguard against these potential health risks.
If you haven’t had a session with us in a while, now is the time to schedule one. Taking control of your health and working to prevent rather than heal will help you at every stage of your life.
Get In Touch
Monday : 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM (Entrainments: 10-12PM & 3:40-6PM)
Tuesday: 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Entrainments: 11AM-2PM)
Wednesday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (Entrainments: 10-12PM & 3:20-5:20PM)
Thursday: 10:30 AM - 6:30 PM (Entrainments: 12-1:20PM & 3:40-6PM)
Friday: 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM (Admin Only)
Saturday: By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed